Thattukolene Song Lyrics

Song: Thattukolene
Singer: Ramu
Lyrics: Laxman
Music: Kalyan Keys


A bitten eye wets me with tears
If I love you so much, I hope you will live
Because there are a thousand births when your finger is not touched

Because your leg is gray when you don’t touch it
You are a bloody singer and you can only laugh
The deception you have committed is unbearable
Needless to say it hurt my heart though

It is a betrayal to believe so sinfully
Save is happier than this suffering is unbearable
Basas play but the ball suffers in the garden
Wands are in your wedding hall

Our name is engraved on the tree
Mamidakule bowed his head and nodded
In the shade of the sandy trees that bend the green brook
If your mind goes with the ring
The deception you have committed is unbearable

Needless to say it hurt my heart though
It is a betrayal to believe so sinfully
Save is happier than this suffering is unbearable
If you are white, you are a living donor

You are an outsider
No matter how much you have
I can not show love to anyone
Beauty Wedding Daughter Your Wedding Fair

Go away without showing any pity
The deception you have committed is unbearable
Needless to say it hurt my heart though
It is a betrayal to believe so sinfully
There is nothing happier than not being able to bear this suffering

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