Timro Pratiksha Lyrics In English Translation

Song: Timro Pratiksa
Singer: Shallum Lama
Lyrics: Unknown
Music: Unknown
Label: Shallum Lama

Timro Pratiksha Lyrics In English Translation

हेर पर्खेर बसेछु नि म
सुन्नलाई तिम्रो त्यो बोलि
सुन मेरा यी भावनाहरु
किन लाग्छ यो माया नै हो कि
मेरो सारा माया तिमिलाई नै छ
तिम्रो मुस्कानमा हराई सके
खुशी छु तिम्रो साथ पाएर
नछोड्नु है यो हात कहिले

Look, I’m waiting
Listen to your speech
Hear these feelings of mine
Why do you think this is love?
All my love is for you
I could get lost in your smile
I am happy to be with you
Never let go of this hand

भुलि दिउला यो संसार तिमि नै भए
तिमि मुस्कुराउदा मन मेरो अतालिनु पर्ने
कसरी व्यक्त गरु तिमलाई माया छ भनि

Don’t forget that this world is you
My heart should skip a beat when you smile
How can I express that I love you?

तिमि हाँसीदिनु है
मेरो छेउमा आउँदै
बसिरहने छु सधै
तिम्रै प्रतिक्षामा नै

You have to laugh
Coming to my side
I will always sit
Just waiting for you

तिमि हाँसीदिनु है
मेरो छेउमा आउँदै
बसि रहने छु सधै
तिम्रै प्रतिक्षामा नै

You have to laugh
Coming to my side
I will stay forever
Just waiting for you

तिम्रै लागि माया छ नि
तर भन्नै गारो भो
आज भोलि गीत कोर्दै
तिम्रै लागि गाउँछु म
तिम्ले हेर्दा मुस्कुराउने
तिम्रो बानीले आज
मन चोरी लगिसक्यो

There is love for you
But it was hard to say
Writing songs today and tomorrow
I sing for you
Smile when you look at it
By your habit today
The mind has been stolen

सबै दुःख मेरो
सुनाउला तिमिलाई
अङ्गालोमा बाँधि हामी
साँझ भुलाई
बिहान बिउझिएर पाए
तिमिलाई नै साथमा
रात दिन विताई रहने छु
म तिम्रै काखमा
तिम्रै प्रतिक्षामा….

All my sorrows
Let me hear it
We are tied in a hug
Forget the evening
Got up in the morning
With you
I will spend day and night
me in your arms
waiting for you

भुलि दिउला यो संसार तिमि नै भए
तिमि मुस्कुराउदा मन मेरो अतालिनु पर्ने
कसरी व्यक्त गरु तिमलाई माया छ भनि

Don’t forget that this world is you
My heart should skip a beat when you smile
How can I express that I love you?

तिमि हाँसीदिनु है
मेरो छेउमा आउँदै
बसि रहने छु सधै
तिम्रै प्रतिक्षामा नै

You have to laugh
Coming to my side
I will stay forever
Just waiting for you

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