Ubaba Ulala Nami Lyrics, Translation

Song: Ubaba Ulala Nami
Singer: Big Zulu
Lyrics: Siyabonga Nene, Nhlanhla Mhlongo, Zamo Gwala, Kwazi Nsele
Music: Edward Gobizembe
Label: Big Zulu

Ubaba Ulala Nami Lyrics & Translation

ulala nami
mama ubab’ ulala nami
ubab’ ulala nami
ubab’ ulala nami

Translation: you sleep with me
mom and dad are sleeping with me
Daddy sleeps with me
Daddy sleeps with me

ngithi mama ubab’
ulala nami
ngicl’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad
you sleep with me
Please help me, mother
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

sengifana nomunt’
oganile lay’khaya
ngicel’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I’m like a human
who is married at home
please help me mom
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

ngithi mama ubaba ulala nami
ubab’ ulala nami
ubaba ulala nami
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad are sleeping with me
Daddy sleeps with me
my father sleeps with me
(mom and dad sleep with me)

ngithi mama ubaba ulala nami

Translation: I say mom and dad are sleeping with me

kunes’lilo sowes’fazane okhala salusiz
uthi wangibulala ngimcela ngimemeza
ngiphebaza ngihebez, ngifun’ usizo

Translation: There is the cry of a woman crying for help
He says he killed me when I asked him to scream
I’m hesitating, I’m looking for help

okungenani yenzani ubulungiswa
ngize ngiphumule ngipheleliswe,
ngiphinde ngiphile kulelizwe

Translation: at least do it justice
until I rest and be perfected,
I live in this country again

ngafa kabi ngesandla sendod’
kukhal’ umama ethi ngafa kabi
ngadayis’ izingane zami
kazidl’ imbiz’ilel’ isikhundla
mangob’ ulel’ eziko

Translation: I died badly at the hand of a man
My mother cried saying that I died badly
I sold my children
kazidl’ imb’ilel’ position
Mangosteen is lying in the hearth

wanginyukubeza yen’ uyaphila
udl’ anhlamvana
abakasidlodlo bamudelela bethi
”ubufakazi abukho bokuthi
ngafa kanjani”

Translation: he assaulted me and he is alive
you eat a lot
those who have not eaten despised him saying
“There is no evidence that
how did i die”

ymin’ ufakazi wangibamba ngimkhuza
ngith’ usukwenzile obukufun’
ungab’ usangbulala,
ngingufakazi ngafa kabi
ngikhala ngimcenga
kazi ubufakazi obufunakalayo
ubufakazi obunjani

Translation: ymin’ the witness caught me reprimanding him
I think you’ve done what you wanted
don’t kill me anymore,
I am a witness and I died badly
I cried and begged him
I wonder what evidence is required
what evidence

athi usis’ omncane angibambe
magqubu namuntu
okungenani tholani umzimba wami
ngilele kabi ngigxamalazile
ngitholeni ningihlalise ngentombi

Translation: said my little sister to hold me
grudge against anyone
at least find my body
I slept badly and rushed
Find me and settle me with a girlfriend

wafohl’isibaya sikababa,
akazihluphanga ngokungimbathisa
angiqoqe nemlenzewangishiya ngidangalazile

Translation: broke into my father’s barn,
he didn’t bother to dress me
He took my leg and left me in despair

baningi esife nabo ngesandla
soweslis’ ongenandaba
abakwasidlodlo besihlek’ usula
abenzi lutho
kanti kubalukeke ngani ukuphila
kwabesifazane emhlabeni

Translation: there are many who died by our hand
soweslis’ indifferent
The people at the restaurant were laughing
they do nothing
and why is life important?
for women in the world

[ukwazi nesele enkandal]

ngithi mama ubab’
ulala nami
ngicl’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad
you sleep with me
Please help me, mother
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

sengifana nomunt’
oganile lay’khaya
ngicel’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I’m like a human
who is married at home
please help me mom
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

ngithi mama ubaba ulala nami
ubab’ ulala nami
ubaba ulala nami
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad are sleeping with me
Daddy sleeps with me
my father sleeps with me
(mom and dad sleep with me)

ngithi mama ubab’
ulala nami
ngicl’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad
you sleep with me
Please help me, mother
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

sengifana nomunt’
oganile lay’khaya

Translation: I’m like a human
who is married at home

kona besazi ukuthi uthando
aluyi ngamnyaka
ngenhloso yokukhululeka
kanti siqambe sishilo
amadoda nje akhand’ uzungu
lokudlwengul’ izingane
egameni lothando

Translation: we knew it was love
it does not come every year
with the intention of being free
in love
and we named it
men are just conspiring
of raping children
in the name of love

ngob’ amadod’ amanje
akuvus’ imizi yobaba
nekusasa lezingane zawo kepha
ucansi bayebon’ izngane zawo

Translation: because the current men
they don’t think anymore
it does not wake up the homes of the fathers
and the future of their children but
sex they see their children

ufakazi walokho iskhwele
uma ingane ike yaqoma
indoda ign’ unwabu
yeyi waze wabhubh’ umhlaba

Translation: the witness of that jealousy
if the child has ever dated
man ign’ unchameleon
yes, he even destroyed the world

yazi besilindel’ ilangabi lomlilo
ngezinsuku zokugcina
singabufaka ubuciko, mhlambe
bekushiwo amadoda naba abesifazane
befa bekhala

Translation: know we were waiting for the flame of the fire
in the last days
we can add art, maybe
it was said by men and women
they died crying

omuny’ ukhala ngokuth’
useyazenyanya manje, ngoba njalo
nayegumul’ ufikelwa isthombe sikayis
emkhulisa, emshushuzel’
emgona noma ekhala,
kanti umkhulisela
ukulala naye masemdala

Translation: the other is crying
he hates himself now, because always
Nayegumul’ came to the picture of Kais
raising him, raising him
hugging him or crying,
and you raise him
sleeping with him when we are older

manje kunzima ukusus’ isthombe
somuntu okewalala naye

Translation: now it is difficult to remove the image
of a person who has slept with him

wathath’ intambo emqaleni
wayibopha, wayiqaqa wayiyeka
zaphila kabuhlungu izingane zobaba
ezweni kwenzakalani

Translation: he took the rope around his neck
he tied it, untied it and let it go
My father’s children lived a hard life
what is happening in the country

uth’ usaba nokuyobik’ emaphoyiseni
bazophenya kuze kuphel’ unyaka
luth’ ubfakazi
manje uthath’ isbhamu usikhomba
ekhanda likayise
thi usengamane angal’ngeni
izulu makuyikuthi uzophila
kabuhlungu emhlabeni

Translation: He says he is afraid to report to the police
they will investigate until the end of the year
now he took a gun and pointed it at us
on his father’s head
that he can no longer enter
God bless you
painfully in the world

ngifakeni ejele angsakhoni
nokungen’ emathandweni
ebusuku ubuthongo bufika
namaphuph’ amabi
ubaba ngimuzwa ngish’ emakhaleni
iphunga lakhe lingival’ umoya

Translation: put me in jail and I’m not here anymore
and falling in love
at night sleep comes
and bad dreams
I can feel my father burning in my nose
his smell is taking my breath away

[phind’ ubhale futhi cofi]

ngithi mama ubab’
ulala nami
ngicl’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad
you sleep with me
Please help me, mother
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

sengifana nomunt’
oganile lay’khaya
ngicel’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I’m like a human
who is married at home
please help me mom
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

ngithi mama ubaba ulala nami
ubab’ ulala nami
ubaba ulala nami
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad are sleeping with me
Daddy sleeps with me
my father sleeps with me
(mom and dad sleep with me)

ngithi mama ubab’
ulala nami
ngicl’ ungincede mama
ningibophel’ ubaba
(mama ubab’ ulala nami)

Translation: I say mom and dad
you sleep with me
Please help me, mother
arrest my father
(mom and dad sleep with me)

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